With nearly 8,000 individual and corporate members, AFCEA NOVA boasts the largest membership in the AFCEA International community. Our chapter has the hometown advantage.  We have the Pentagon in our back yard, the Nation's Capital right next door, and the backbone of the Internet at our center. This means that our IT Days, Monthly Luncheons, Small Business Breakfasts, Mentoring events, CEU webinars, and special events connect your company with government speakers that provide current policy and future program technology content with relevant business connections to meet your bottom-line goals.

Proceeds from our events support the AFCEA NOVA chapter and our Education Fund. AFCEA NOVA is actively involved with leadership development and STEM. We have teamed with local middle schools, high schools, and universities, annually awarding thousands of dollars in scholarships and educational grants. 

AFCEA NOVA sponsorship opportunities provide your company with a marketing advantage in reaching the government and industry. We  connect your company through our outreach campaigns to more than 18,000* government and industry contacts, and our social media messages reach more than 4,000 followers in the Northern Virginia market. *Email averages from 2023 to present utilizing Constant Contact emails.

Sponsorships include an invitation to our exclusive Executive Roundtable, an intimate AFCEA NOVA non-attribution forum with DOD leadership.

Executive Roundtable: Recognizing the support of its corporate sponsors, AFCEA NOVA holds an annual Executive Roundtable (ERT) in June. The ERT provides a valuable, intimate setting for our corporate sponsors, giving them an opportunity to experience high-quality networking with other company executives, government VIPs, and chapter leaders. High-level government speakers are invited to share their views off-the-record and talk about the challenges and realities of the DOD budget and marketspace.


AFCEA NOVA luncheons provide your company an opportunity to increase your visibility, learn about the government procurement opportunities, priorities, and build your business development pipeline. Our luncheons provide the opportunity to network and build relationships, connecting directly with key government decision makers and industry partners. From September 2024 through June 2025, we will host 6 luncheons at the Westin Tyson's Corner. Historically, each luncheon has averaged around 90-120 attendees.

Luncheon Dates (Subject to change):
September 20, 2024
November 15, 2024
February 21, 2025
March 21, 2025
May 16, 2025




(One Event)
$1,500/per event

Company profile (logo, link, description) on event pages

Recognition in email blasts and social media posts

Informal setting to connect with potential teaming partners

Company logo on luncheon materials - program, sponsor loop, signage

Priority table placement at each luncheon


Opportunity to introduce speaker(s) and provide Company information if selected as the Sponsor of the Month (you will be notified by the Luncheon committee)


Spotlight Business of the Month on AFCEA NOVA Website (subject to availability)


Complimentary tickets to each luncheon
Please note if you do not register your complimentary tickets 5 days before the event, your unused seats will be open to general public attendance use.





AFCEA NOVA IT Days provide the greatest visibility and reach to our sponsors by offering marketing opportunities that capture the attention of potential and existing customers before, during, and after each individual IT Day program. The events are tailored to include senior leaders from the identified communities:

  • U.S. Navy: October 7, 2024 (404 registrants in 2023) - Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles, Chantilly, VA
  • U.S. Air Forces: December 13, 2024 (479 registrants in 2023) - Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel, Arlington, VA
  • U.S. Army: January 17, 2025 (691 registrants in 2024) - Hilton McLean Tysons, McLean, VA
  • U.S. Space Force: May 1, 2025 (481 registrants in 2024) - Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles, Chantilly, VA
  • Innovation IT Day: April 10, 2025 (267 registrants in 2024)  - Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles, Chantilly, VA

If you sponsor 2 IT Days you will receive 10% off. If you sponsor 3-4 IT Days you will receive 15% off. If you sponsor 5 IT Days you will receive 20% off. Discount only applies if multiple IT Days are committed at the same time of order.  Contact info@afceanova.org for a discount code. 










(Small Business)


Recognition in email blasts and social media posts

Company profile (logo, website link, description, up to 3 links, up to 3 videos, and up to 3 documents) on event pages

List of opt-in registrants, sent post-event (name, job title, organization and email address)

Company logo on IT Day materials - program, sponsor loop, signage

Table Top Booth

optional upgrade

optional upgrade


Top level logo placement & special recognition


Sponsorship of individual session: Opportunity to introduce a speaker or panel, your logo will appear in the session schedule along with that session's information, in emails promoting that session, and in social media posts for that session

Subject to availability


Coordination support for select speakers: Work with speakers through event preparation phase (if applicable). Onsite speaker escort support


Coffee Break Sponsor  |  Logo on the Coffee Station



Breakfast Sponsor



Complimentary tickets to each event
Please note if you do not register your complimentary tickets 5 days before the event, your unused seats will be open to general public attendance use






*Small Business Sponsorship - Company must be a current AFCEA NOVA member in good standing and have less than 100 employees.


All sponsorships include signage at event, recognition in event materials and recognition in remarks at the podium.

TABLE TOP BOOTH - $500  |  Upgrade for Gold, Silver, and Bronze Only 
CUSTOM BRANDING OPTION | Contact info@afceanova.org
LANYARDS - $5,000  |  Limit one (1) per IT Day  |  Company Logo on event lanyards.
LUNCH SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT- $3,000  |  Limit one (1) per IT Day  |  Brief company remarks presented from the podium to kick-off lunch.
RECEPTION - $3,000  |  Limit one (1) per IT Day  |  Branded napkins on bar. 
STUDENT IT DAY SPONSOR - $3,500 | Contact info@afceanova.org for details

PARKING - Contact info@afceanova.org for pricing  |  Up to five (5) Available. Valid for Air Forces IT Day Only  |  Logo in Know Before You Go emails, logo on signage, and recognition from the podium.



AFCEA NOVA hosts Northern Virginia’s premier networking events for the Federal IT community, regularly drawing over 80 attendees from industry and government. AFCEA NOVA members and non-members alike are welcome.

Each networking event is sponsored by only one organization, which provides exclusive exposure for that sponsor. AFCEA NOVA lists the sponsor name and logo in all marketing for the event, which includes email distribution to over 7,000 members and LinkedIn posts to over 5,000 followers. The sponsoring organization may display any company signage, provide a booth, and provide branded items. The AFCEA NOVA team strives to foster a welcoming networking environment to drive maximum value for our attendees and sponsors.


Flat Rate


Exclusive sponsor for the event

Company profile (logo, link, description) on event website

Recognition in email blasts and social media posts

Company logo on event signage

Ability for sponsor to bring company swag, signage, and other marketing collateral to the event

List of opt-in registrants, sent post-event (name, job title, organization and email address)

Complimentary registration to sponsored event for non-AFCEA members of company


Open bar sponsorship option available for an additional fee based on the availability of the venue.


Our small business program offers an intimate connection with DoD and public sector leadership and maximizes your investment with morning keynote speakers and networking opportunities. Platinum, Gold, and Silver sponsors receive the following benefits for five (5) small business breakfasts and Bronze sponsors receive the following benefits for one (1) breakfast:









(One Breakfast)

Company profile (logo, link, description) on event pages

Recognition in email blasts and social media posts

Company logo event exposure

Recognition at each Small Business Breakfast by AFCEA Small Business Chairperson

Discount for Innovation IT Day (cannot be combined with other discounts)




Complimentary tickets to each Small Business Breakfast





Complimentary tickets to InNOVAtion IT Day





Our GovCon Advancement Mentoring Engagement (GAME) programs provide opportunities that are focused on leadership from across the public sector. Sponsoring one of our programs is your opportunity to make an impact and provide a great connection to an audience in support of leadership and achievement in government and military service. All sponsors receive the following benefits for up to four (4) events (Platinum, Gold or Silver) or one (1) event (Bronze):








(One Event)


Recognition in email blasts and social media posts

Company logo on event materials - program, sponsor loop

Company profile (logo, link, description) on event pages

Logo placement on event page & special recognition

Top level logo placement on event page & special recognition


Opportunity to introduce speaker(s) and provide Company information

Subject to availability


Complimentary tickets to each event






The AFCEA NOVA Emerging Leaders event series is tailored for young professionals navigating the government and government contracting sectors. This event series is designed to provide a platform for career development and networking. Sponsors can engage with prospective government, military, and industry leaders, gaining valuable insights and connections with the next generation of decision-makers.

Become an exclusive sponsor for a single event - $1,500 - Quantity Three (3) Flat Rate 


Flat Rate


Company profile (logo, link, description) on event website

Recognition in email blasts and social media posts

Company logo on event signage

List of opt-in registrants, sent post-event (name, job title, organization and email address)

Complimentary registration to sponsored event for non-AFCEA members of company



This year AFCEA NOVA’s Annual Golf Tournament will be held at Westfield’s Golf Club in Clifton, VA on Friday, October 18, 2024. This event will provide a great way for sponsors to connect with government and/or reward partners and employees with a fun day on the links. In one of our most popular events of the year, this event is a significant fundraiser for our STEM Scholarship and educational programs. We will have multiple opportunities for activity sponsors. Please see the following options and benefits.  



(1 available)


(2 available)


(2 available)


(12 available)

Choice of:


Beverage Cart ( SOLD OUT) 
Breakfast (SOLD OUT)
Lunch (SOLD OUT)
 Reception (SOLD OUT)
Longest Drive (SOLD OUT)
Closest to the Pin (SOLD OUT)
Putting Contest (1)
Photography (1)


Number of golfers, includes golf cart, greens fees, lunch, on course beverages & cocktail reception





Recognition in pre-event email blasts to the chapter and Chapter social media platforms including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter

Company profile (logo, link, description) on event pages

Standalone signage with company logo at event plus one hole (based on sponsor level)

Company logo on event signage & materials

Logo to be added to the back of tournament Long Sleeve Hoodie

Display table


Company representative welcomes golfers


Photo op with tournament winners (will be submitted to Signal Magazine)



Our AFCEA NOVA Weekly Update email gives your company direct exposure to our 18,000* government and industry contacts. Sponsorship is from July 2024 -June 2025, emails sent out every Monday (excluding national holidays.)

*Email averages from 2023 Constant Contact emails.




Company profile (logo, link, description) on chapter website

Company logo and website link on all Weekly Email Updates - July 2024-June 2025

Your company can target a single AFCEA NOVA event to meet your budget or sponsor multiple events and take advantage of our bundle sponsorship package pricing. For more information call us at 703-778-4645 or email us at info@afceanova.org.

A 3.5% credit card fee will be added automatically to sponsorships purchased via credit card (amount will be reflected at checkout). Prices listed in the prospectus apply to sponsorships purchased via check/ACH (an updated invoice without a credit card fee will be sent via email for this payment option within 3 business days of Sponsor commitment).

Review TERMS & CONDITIONS before completing sponsorship agreement.