Crystal Gateway Marriott

DO NOT make room reservations for the upcoming Air Force IT Day with anyone who calls and represents themselves as agents of AFCEA NOVA or offers lower room rates at the Crystal Gateway Marriott. The ONLY legitimate way to reserve your room at the hotel is by using the booking link below or calling 800-228-9290.


1700 Richmond Hwy
Arlington, VA 22202
United States

AFCEA NOVA has a small block of rooms reserved at the hotel. Book online with the hotel (HERE). Alternatively, you can call Marriott’s Worldwide Reservation line and make reservations over the phone for the “AFCEA NOVA Air Force IT Day” via 800-228-9290

The discounted group rate is good through Wednesday, November 22 or until the room block is sold out.


Attendee parking at the hotel is discounted to $30 with the voucher distributed at the registration desk. Overnight parking is available for $35/night.


If you have any questions, we’re here to help. Please contact AFCEA NOVA at 703.778.4645 or