Full Name
Col Jennifer Krolikowski-Stamer
Job Title
Senior Materiel Leader
U. S. Space Force
Speaker Bio
Col Jennifer Krolikowski is currently the Senior Materiel Leader for Space C2 in the Cross Mission Ground & Communications Directorate, Los Angeles Air Force Base. Col Krolikowski graduated from the University of Dayton in 1996 with a Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering and commissioned from ROTC that same year. In her first assignment, she served as a project engineer in the Plans and Programs office of the Manufacturing Technology Directorate in Wright Labs. After receiving a Master’s in Aeronautical Engineering in 1997 from the Air Force Institute of Technology, Jennifer was assigned to the 49th Test and Evaluation Squadron at Barksdale AFB. There, she was lead engineer for various operational tests on the B-52 and accumulated 50+ flying hours. From Barksdale, she moved to Los Angeles AFB to the GPS Joint Program Office. Her duties included Lead Engineer for the Nuclear Detonation Detections System (NDS), GPS Executive Officer, Branch Chief of Acquisitions for GPS III, and AFPEO Staff Director for GPS. Col Krolikowski was handpicked to teach GPS and Space Acquisition at the newly formed National Security Space Institute (NSSI) in Colorado Springs, CO. She soon became the NSSI’s Deputy Director for Mission Support and was quickly picked up by HQ AFSPC as the Chief for Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS) Requirements. After finishing her tour at Air Command and Staff College, Jen was selected to be the Tactical Data Network Program Element Monitor (PEM) on Air Staff at the Pentagon. Following her PEM duties, Col Krolikowski was again handpicked for Deputy for the Command and Control Division, Information Dominance Directorate, Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisitions (SAF/AQ) with a follow-on as SAF/AQ’s Chief, Executive Action Group. She commanded as Materiel Leader of an ACAT I program within her Cyber Infrastructure Branch at Hanscom AFB, MA. She then proceeded back to Maxwell AFB, AL as a student at the Air War College. Following graduation, Col Krolikowski became Branch Chief for Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) Global Requirements on Joint Staff at the Pentagon. She then continued her Pentagon time as the Director of Staff/Military Assistant for DASD/Space, Strategic, and Intelligence Systems, Office of the Secretary of Defense.
Col Jennifer Krolikowski is mother to Logan Benjamin and Seth Andrew Krolikowski and is married to Andrew Stamer.
Col Jennifer Krolikowski is mother to Logan Benjamin and Seth Andrew Krolikowski and is married to Andrew Stamer.
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