Full Name
Ms. Jenny Sue Ross
Job Title
Special Advisor to the DOD CDO
U.S. Department of Defense
Speaker Bio
Jenny Sue Ross is a senior advisor to the DoD Chief Data Officer. In this role, she guides development of Department-wide executive analytics to enhance and inform senior leader decision-making, in coordination with the Immediate Office of the DSD, the Advana program, and stakeholders throughout the Department. She serves as the lead in DoD CIO for integration of digital modernization metrics into executive analytics and leads metric development for the data functional area. Jenny Sue also directly advises and assists senior advisors to the DSD on data issues.
Jenny Sue previously led the Engine Room team supporting the Immediate Office of the SD for management of the Large Group, Secretary’s Weekly Priorities Review, National Defense Strategy Implementation, Senior Leader Council, Combatant Command Review, and Climate Working Group governance forums. She also facilitated integration of senior leader decision-support applications into governance forums.
Prior to this role, Jenny Sue founded and led the digital technologies portfolio in the Air Force Office of Commercial and Economic Analysis. She managed a team monitoring the global commercial ecosystem to identify risks to the Air Force and DoD.
Before joining DoD as a civilian, Jenny Sue worked as a contractor supporting Army G-3/5/7, OSD/Organizational Policy & Decision Support, U.S. Army Security Assistance Command, and the Defense Security Cooperation Agency.
Jenny Sue attained an MBA and an MA in Security Policy Studies, both from George Washington University.
Jenny Sue previously led the Engine Room team supporting the Immediate Office of the SD for management of the Large Group, Secretary’s Weekly Priorities Review, National Defense Strategy Implementation, Senior Leader Council, Combatant Command Review, and Climate Working Group governance forums. She also facilitated integration of senior leader decision-support applications into governance forums.
Prior to this role, Jenny Sue founded and led the digital technologies portfolio in the Air Force Office of Commercial and Economic Analysis. She managed a team monitoring the global commercial ecosystem to identify risks to the Air Force and DoD.
Before joining DoD as a civilian, Jenny Sue worked as a contractor supporting Army G-3/5/7, OSD/Organizational Policy & Decision Support, U.S. Army Security Assistance Command, and the Defense Security Cooperation Agency.
Jenny Sue attained an MBA and an MA in Security Policy Studies, both from George Washington University.
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